
Here are some of the projects I've been developing on my spare time.

Hardware Projects

  • Server Upgrade
  • 7x7x7 LED Matrix
  • RepRap Prusa Mendel (3D Printer)
  • Gaming PC Build (mITX)

  • Software Projects

  • Hal
    A Home Automation Server that is used as a main hub for sensors and receivers in a house. It supports storing sensor data history and syncing to other servers for analysis and comparison. It also supports triggering remote receivers.
  • CoderServer
    A remote coding IDE. The Server is installed on a Raspberry Pi or a PC so that the Android/IOS (currently not available) app can connect and be used as a remote IDE.
  • Zutil (Library)
    My private code collection, contains utility classes and snippet code used by my other projects.